Sunday, December 5, 2010

How to use "Marry" correctly

Many people who learn English tend to be confused when using “Marry.” I was also confused before, but I now know how to use the word. Therefore, I want to explain how to use “Marry” without being wrong.

There are three types to use “Marry”

1. Will you marry me? I will marry you.
When you use “Marry” as a verb, there is no preposition.

2. I am married to him.

3. I got married to him.

However, as #2 and #3, if you use “Marry” with be or get verb, you should say the word with “To”. Many students are likely to use “Be married WITH” or “Get married WITH,” but it is completely wrong. As a result, you should be careful not to use the preposition, WITH.

Now, you know the rule, so don't make a mistake anymore. I hope this is helpful for you.

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